Friday, April 11, 2008


Kumquats for 2

I sat down to write a story – something witty about a kumquatism. The problem is, all I could think about was how delicious these little fruits are. So, instead of a story, you get a recipe:

Dinner for 2

1 lb Sturgeon
6 kumquats
Sea salt
Soy sauce
1 tbsp olive oil
Brown sugar
Lemon olive oil

Bake the kumquats in a parchment paper with olive oil, soy sauce, chopped onion and ginger to taste.

Slice the kumquats to 1cm width pieces. Sear the sliced kumquats in an olive oil brown sugar sauce until the fruit is crunchy.

When the sturgeon is cooked through, put the sturgeon on a dish with the kumquats on top. On the side, toss the arugala with lemon olive oil and balsamic to taste.


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